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Jéssica Oliveira Silva
Keila de Sousa Moura
Érica da Costa de Oliveira Maquiné
Rosane Moura Oliveira
Suelânia Cristina Gonzaga Figueiredo
Luciane Farias Ribas


Agenda 21 establishes guidelines for sustainable development, among these guidelines is selective collection. In Brazil, the National Solid Waste Plan (PNRS) is instituted as an instrument to facilitate recycling actions in states and municipalities. However, the lack of commitment from states and cities, as established by the PNRS, can jeopardize its effectiveness. The purpose of this article is to analyze the relationship between the limitations of recycling actions and the provisions of the PNRS. To this end, a case study was carried out on the activities of two institutions: the Association of waste pickers Recicla Manaus and the Amazon cartons cooperative (Coopamam). Through interviews, information was obtained about the collection for recycling. The actions and limitations for recycling were identified and analyzed in relation to the provisions of the PNRS. Among the actions and limitations, the lack of training and structure was identified. It was also possible to identify the absence of public power regarding the implementation of infrastructure and help in the acquisition of equipment for a cooperative or associations of waste pickers with low income. The lack of transportation to meet the demand for selective collection is one of the biggest problems. The demand for collection has been increasing in the city with population growth. The case study showed that the Agenda 21 guidelines for the management of solid waste from two of the largest recycling institutions in the city of Manaus were not implemented. Except for the role of institutions in environmental education in their communities. 


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How to Cite
Silva, . J. O. ., Moura, K. de S. ., Maquiné, Érica da C. de O. ., Oliveira, R. M. ., Figueiredo, S. C. G. ., & Ribas, L. F. . (2021). AGENDA 21: CASE STUDY RECYCLING ACTIONS IN THE CITY OF MANAUS. Revista Brasileira De Meio Ambiente &Amp; Sustentabilidade, 1(2), 4–25. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Jéssica Oliveira Silva, IFAM

Engenheira Ambiental (UNINORTE). Especialista em Perícia, Auditoria e Gestão Ambiental (FAMETRO). Técnica em Meio Ambiente e em Segurança do Trabalho (IFAM). E-mail:

Keila de Sousa Moura, FAMETRO

Engenheira Ambiental (Uninorte 2014 – 2019) e especialista em Perícia, Auditoria e Gestão Ambiental (Centro Universitário Fametro 2019 – 2021). E-mail:

Érica da Costa de Oliveira Maquiné, FAMETRO

Professora de Geografia na Escola Centro Educacional Doce Começo e Concept Integrado. Pós Graduada em Perícia, Auditoria e Gestão Ambiental (2020), Pós Graduada em Gestão Organizacional e Recursos Humanos pela Faculdade Metropolitana de Manaus - FAMETRO (2018). Graduada em Licenciatura em Geografia pela Universidade do Estado do Amazonas - UEA (2016). E-mail:

Rosane Moura Oliveira, FAMETRO

Tecnóloga em Gestão da Qualidade (FAMETRO). Especialista em Pericia, Auditoria e Gestão Ambiental (FAMETRO). Profissional com sólida experiência em processo produtivo desde 2012. E-mail:

Suelânia Cristina Gonzaga Figueiredo, FAMETRO

Mestre em Desenvolvimento Regional pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas UFAM e Doutora em Ciências da Educação pela Universidade Nihon Gakko Paraguai, é Coordenadora de Pesquisa e Extensão do Centro Universitário FAMETRO e da Faculdade Santa Teresa-Manaus-Am. . E-mail:

Luciane Farias Ribas, FAMETRO

Doutorado em Engenharia Civil/Em estruturas e materiais pela COPPE/UFRJ, professora da Centro Universitário FAMETRO. E-mail: